I have seen the future and it is remote

COVID-19 will have the lasting impact of making remote working the new normal in the Tech Industry

Chris Laffra
10 min readMar 29, 2020

For general tips on communicating better as an engineer, check out my recent book, C4E.

In 1973, during the so-called “Autoloze zondag” (car-free Sunday), my uncle took me biking on the A9 highway in the Netherlands. I still vividly remember how surreal that felt and what an impact that made on me.

News Updates
May 02:
50% of Goldman Sachs could work at home forever.
May 11:
Google and Facebook extend work-from-home until 2021.
May 11:
Productivity loss of working remote is 1%.
May 12
: Employees at Twitter can work from home forever.
May 15:
Salesforce lets employees work from home until 2021.
May 15:
Microsoft’s CEO misses physical meetings.
May 18:
Square employees can work remote permanently
May 21: Coinbase Will Allow Employees to Work Remotely After Lockdown
May 21:
Zuckerberg: Majority of Facebook will be able to work from home
May 22:
Shopify moves to remote work
June 9:
NY Times: What if working from home goes on forever?
June 22:
Majority of Japanese want telecommuting to continue
…. many more updates since…

Right before the COVID-19 crisis changed our lives forever, emptied our roads, and made us all shelter in place, there were already two work trends in play. The first one was a semi-quiet migration of jobs from the Bay Area and Seattle to other regions in the US and beyond, with some big examples Amazon HQ2, Google in NYC, and Uber in Chicago. Secondly…



Chris Laffra

{ country: “Holland”, mission: “Make other engineers impactful”, jobs: [“IBM”, “MS”, “BAML”, “GOOG”, “UBER”, “JPMC”], site: “chrislaffra.com” }