Work from home effectively

COVID-19 caused a world-wide WFH experiment. What now?

Chris Laffra
5 min readMar 9, 2020
The home office of my colleague Alexey Györi of Uber Amsterdam — Picture taken April 7, 2020.

Whether you work from home structurally as a remote employee, or whether you are part of the world-wide WFH experiment caused by COVID-19, working from home will be different to most of us. Here are some tips to make working from home effective. For general tips on communicating better as an engineer, check out my recent book, C4E.


If you normally spend most of your time in close connection with your colleagues, working from home will make you miss out from a lot of subtle communication happening around your desk, the micro kitchen, or at lunch.

Effective remote work requires a more formalized and asynchronous communication style. Gitlab covers this well in its Remote Manifesto:

In an all-remote environment, informal communication should be formally addressed. Leaders should organize informal communication, and to whatever degree possible, design an atmosphere where team members all over the globe feel comfortable reaching out to anyone to converse about topics unrelated to work.



Chris Laffra

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